Bugzilla::DB::Oracle - Bugzilla database compatibility layer for Oracle
This module overrides methods of the Bugzilla::DB module with Oracle specific implementation.
It is instantiated by the Bugzilla::DB module and should never be used directly.
For interface details see Bugzilla::DB and DBI.
- adjust_statement
- bz_check_regexp
- bz_drop_table
- bz_explain
- bz_last_key
- bz_setup_database
- bz_table_columns_real
- bz_table_list_real
- do
- prepare
- prepare_cached
- quote_identifier
- selectall_arrayref
- selectall_hashref
- selectcol_arrayref
- selectrow_array
- selectrow_arrayref
- selectrow_hashref
- sql_date_format
- sql_date_math
- sql_from_days
- sql_fulltext_search
- sql_group_concat
- sql_in
- sql_limit
- sql_not_regexp
- sql_position
- sql_regexp
- sql_string_concat
- sql_to_days